PreLien2Lien has a small, but passionate user base of construction suppliers located around Louisville, KY. Companies using the software include C.M.A. SUPPLY COMPANY OF LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKIANA CURB, METAL SALES MANUFACTURING,…
I have been to ALABAMA, albeit as a passenger in a car driving on Highway 10 go to/from LOUISIANA for a weekend getaway at an Army friends house. The lure…
Business and personal trips have brought me to MINNESOTA several times. I attended the wedding of a grade school friend there in the late 1980s. I have walked on the…
I have had the pleasure of playing some beautiful golf courses in the US. One I enjoyed immensely that won’t make any Top 100 lists but is a high quality…
Several of my posts in this blog refer to my upbringing and early adult life in ILLINOIS before moving to the Silicon Valley area of CALIFORNIA in 1992. I lived in…
My young adult life brought me to INDIANA several times while I lived in ILLINOIS. In the spring of 1983 I attended the Senior Prom as the date of a woman…
MICHIGAN is a state that means a lot to me. My mother was born and raised in Negaunee, MI in the Upper Peninsula. My parents spent their honeymoon at the…