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WYOMING Liens Updated With New Text

Due to a recent Janauary 12, 2010 WYOMING Supreme Court ruling, WYOMING’s Lien Statment and Amended Lien Statement in PreLien2Lien were updated with the following new text:

I, SIGNERNAME, having been duly sworn upon oath, do hereby swear to the truth and accuracy of the information set forth in this Lien Statement.

The WYOMING Supreme Court based its ruling on WYOMING STATUTES §29-1-301:

Statement of Lien, Contents, Notice
(a) In order to have a perfected lien pursuant to this title, a lien claimant shall file with the county clerk a lien statement sworn to before a notary public. The county clerk shall file the statement and index by date, name of claimant and property owner, and legal description.