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EnvelopesMiriam LiskinPreLien2Lien

PreLien2Lien Now Prints To Business Envelopes

Miriam Liskin, Software Development Manager has completed work on enabling PreLien2Lien to print onto business envelopes. This new capability is now available on the new May version of the software, V. 15.05.01.

Users can print one envelope at a time by pressing the ENVELOPE button at the bottom of each of the legal party tabs (CUSTOMER, OWNER, GENERAL, LENDER/SURETY, PUBLIC, OTHER OWNER, OTHER GENERAL, OTHER LENDER/SURETY).

The capability to print envelopes for all legal parties for one project can be done by pressing the ENVELOPE button on the far right side of PreLien2Lien, underneath the DYMO Labels button.

Mass printing can be done for all legal parties by going to the MASS PRINT drop down menu and selecting “Print Envelopes For Marked Records.”

PreLien2Lien users will be prompted for a printer that is already setup to print to envelopes as they go to print. Keep in mind not all printers can print to envelopes. If they can print, some use a manual feed method, others use a separate print tray.