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Construction LienHarris County (TX)TEXASTRADITION LIEN SERVICE

Recording a TX Lien Affidavit in Harris County

By July 13, 2018December 12th, 2024No Comments

A Garland, TX based electrical contractor asked our TRADITION LIEN SERVICE division to record a TEXAS Lien Affidavit (Subcontractor/Supplier) against a new hotel being built in Houston, TX within Harris County. Wikipedia quotes that “according to a July 2017 Census estimate, Harris County’s population had grown to 4,652,980, comprising over 16 percent of Texas’s population.”

The Harris County Clerk’s Office fees to record are as follows: $16.00 first page , $4.00 each additional page of 8-1/2″ x 11″ paper. Make checks payable to HARRIS COUNTY CLERK and they will accept out-of-state business checks.

Actual recording by mail is 3-5 business days. You can view indexing information on their website 2-3 business days after recording. The original document will be mailed back 7-10 business days after recording. For conforming copies, do not send a 2nd copy of the document to be recorded. Instead, send $1.00 per page of the document to be recorded.