Please enter the information requested below to obtain your Property Owner Report. You must give a valid Street Address, City, State, Zip and County. An APN number along with the Owner Name, if known, will increase the likelihood of a successful report being produced. A completed report will be emailed back to you within one business day. There is no charge for a unsuccesful search.

Cost for a single Property Report is $5.00. Discounts are available for purchasing in advance ten or more Property Owner Reports. For questions about Property Owner Report, or to establish an account please contact Customer Service at (800) 886-8770, ext. 304.

**DISCLAIMER: “The accuracy or completeness of the provided information should not be relied upon by the recipient. The information, services and data provided are “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. TRADITION SOFTWARE, INC. expressly disclaims, any liability to any person for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions contained as information, programmer code, or data, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident or other cause. TRADITION SOFTWARE, INC. reserves the right to modify or alter any or all parts of services rendered including, but not limited to prices, terms, conditions, provided data and so forth without any advanced notification.”





    Email Address:

    Street Address:





    Property Owner:

    Property Address:

    Property City:

    Property State:

    Property Zip:

    Property County:

    Property APN:


    Please enter the code below*