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Address VerificationMiriam LiskinPreLien2LienUSPS

PreLien2Lien adds USPS address verification

By November 2, 2013No Comments

A major new feature was added to PreLien2Lien with the November 2013 upgrade release available from the DOWNLOADS section at www.TraditionSoftware.com.

An easy to use USPS address verification button was added to the PROJECT, CUSTOMER, OWNER, GENERAL, SURETY/LENDER and OTHER LEGAL PARTY tabs.

Users can now confirm that an address is registered with the U.S. Postal Service for delivery of mail. If an address is correct, you can choose to use an ALL CAPS version from the USPS website, convert the result to Proper Case, or leave the address as it was originally entered.

Address verification is extremely important in the lien process. The number 3 that looks like an 8 in a salesperson’s order for building materials could make a last minute 1st notice in advance of a lien invalid as the non existent property address is used. Having mail returned that was orginally sent to a project’s Customer, Owner, General Contractor or Surety/Lender not only is a waste of money, but also could invalidate a future lien claim depending on a state’s laws.

This new feature was the result of some great work by Miriam Liskin, Software Development Manager, and an ongoing business relationship with the U.S. Postal Service. Previously TRADITION SOFTWARE worked with the USPS for the creation of our 11″ x 14″ certfied mail Tradition Forms along with certified mail tracking through use of the TRACK CERTIFIED MAIL button.